DESIGNATION Height (ft.) -- WindLoad (sq.ft.) Windspeed (mph) FT. LOAD MPH | SECTION COMPOSITION Width - Tube Size **General Wind Load 85-90 mph winds. exposure 'C' (partially surrounded by woods or buildings) | WEIGHT
(LBS) |
32 - 5 - 80 | 18-131; 14-100; 11-100; 11-100 | 70 |
32 - 9 - 80 | two 18-131's; 14-131; 14-100 | 88 |
32 - 16 - 80 | 18-172; 18-131; 14-131; 14-100 | 100 |
32 - 16 - 90 | 22-172; 18-172; 14-131; 11-100 | 109 |
48 - 23 - 90 | 30-225; 26-225; 26-172; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131 | 263 |
48 - 55 - 90 | 35-288; 30-288; 30-225; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172 | 384 |
56 - 13.5 - 80 | 26-225; 26-172; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-131; 11-100 | 236 |
56 - 17 - 80 | 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 266 |
56 - 20 - 80 | 26-225; two 22-225's; 18-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 285 |
56 - 4 - 90 | 26-172; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-131; two 11-100's | 221 |
56 - 9.5 90 | 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-131; 11-100 | 290 |
56 - 21 - 90 | 30-288; two 26-25's; 26-172; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131 | 343 |
56 - 56 90 | 35-350; 35-288; 30-288; 30-225; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172 | 522 |
64 - 9.4 - 90 | Two 26-225's 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-131; 11-100 | 311 |
64 - 14 - 80 | Two 26-225's; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-131; 11-100 | 330 |
64 - 27 - 90 | 35-288; 30-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131 | 445 |
80 - 22 - 80 | 35-288; two 30-288's; 30-225; 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 543 |
96 - 3 - 90 or 96 - 8.5 - 80 | 35-288; two 30-288's; 30-225; 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 14-172; 14-131; 14-100; 11-100 | 587 |
124 - 15 - 90 | 54-288-SL; 54-350-L; 48-350-L; 42-350-L; 35-288; 30-288-L; 26-288-L; 22-225; 18-225-L; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 1655 |
148 - 4 - 80 | Four 35-288-SL's; 30-350-L; two 30-288's; 26-225; two 22-225's; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-131; two 11-100's | 2019 |
148 - 14.25 - 90 | Two 48-288-SL's; 42-288-SL; three 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 30-288-L; 26-288-L; 26-288-L; two 22-225's; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 2817 |
148 - 3 - 90 | 42-288-SL; three 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 35-288; 30-288; 26-288; 26-225; 22-225; 18-225; 18-172; 14-72; 14-131; two 11-100's | 2426 |
DESIGNATION Height (ft.) -- WindLoad (sq.ft.) Windspeed (mph) FT. LOAD MPH | SECTION COMPOSITION Width - Tube Size HURRICANE TOWERS **High Winds 100+ mph winds. exposure 'D' (Open plains or coastal locations) | WEIGHT
(LBS) |
32 - 17 - 90 exposure 'D' (coast) | 26-172; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131 | 139 |
40 - 2.1 - 150 exposure 'D' (coast) | 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 193 |
40 - 15.5 - 120 exposure 'D' (coast) | 26-288; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 14-131 | 294 |
40 - 21.67 - 120 exposure 'D' (coast) | 30-288; 26-288; 22-225; 22-172; 22-131 | 334 |
48 - 5 - 100 exposure 'D' (coast) | 30-225; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 14-131; 14-100 | 253 |
56 - 4 - 130 exposure 'D' (coast) | 35-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-225; 1-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 361 |
68 - 2 - 120 exposure 'D' (coast) | 30-350-L; 30-288; 26-288; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-131 | 467 |
80 - 10 - 150 exposure 'D' (coast) | 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; 35-288-SL; 35-350-L; 30-288; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 1779 |
We offer many different tower configurations. Take a look at the list below or contact us for advice on choosing a configuration to fit your application.
*Many more configurations are available. The height & wind-load configurations here do not necessarily represent the highest or strongest combinations available. These configurations do not meet the minimum wind speed ratings for anywhere within the U.S.A.; may be suitable for certain doldrum locations outside US or non-compliant circumstances.
A responsible tower owner will determine and comply with the designated maximum wind velocity of installation location. Please see the chart below.
DESIGNATION Height (ft.) -- WindLoad (sq.ft.) Windspeed (mph) FT. LOAD MPH | SECTION COMPOSITION Width - Tube Size **High winds 100+ mph winds. exposure 'C' (partially surrounded by woods or buildings) | WEIGHT
(LBS) |
20 - 7 - 115 | 14-131-L; 14-100 | 37 |
32 - 6 - 110 | 18-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 100 |
32 - 10 - 100 | 22-172; 18-172; 14-131; 11-100 | 109 |
32 - 3.5 - 150 | 22-225; 22-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 133 |
32 - 5 - 150 | 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 14-131 | 174 |
40 - 18 - 130 or 40 - 22.75 - 120 | 26-288; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 257 |
48 - 1.4 - 100 | Two 18-172's; 18-131; 14-131; 14-100; 11-100 | 148 |
48 - 10 - 100 | 22-225; 18-225; 18-172; 14-172; 14-131; 14-100 | 215 |
48 - 7.5 - 140 | Two 35-288's; 30-225; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 357 |
56 - 31 - 100 | 35-288; two 30-288's; 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 428 |
56 - 17 - 120 | Two 35-350's 35-288; 30-225; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 547 |
60 - 10 - 120 | 35-288-L; 30-288; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 14-172; 14-131 | 391 |
60 - 14 - 120 | 30-350-L; two 26-288's; 22-225; 18-225; 18-172; 14-131 | 458 |
60 - 20.4 - 120 | 35-350-L; 35-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 545 |
80 - 7 - 100 | 35-288; 30-288; 26-288; 22-225; 18-225; 18-172; 14-172; 14-131; 11-100 | 525 |
84 - 3 - 140 | Two 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 35-288; 30-225; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 1351 |
92 - 3.5 - 150 | 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; 35-288-SL; 35-350; 30-288; 26-288; 22-225; 22-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 1739 |
92 - 4.35 - 100 | 35-350-L; 35-288; 30-288; 26-288; 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100; 11-100 | 1286 |
92 - 23.5 - 100 | Two 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 30-350-L; 26-288-L; 22-225; 18-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 1341 |
96 - 23 - 110 | 42-288-SL; 42-350-L; 35-350-L; 35-288-L; 30-225; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 1315 |
96 - 23.5 - 110 | 42-288-SL; two 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 35-288; 30-288; 26-288; 22-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 1640 |
96 - 12.25 - 150 | 48-350-SL; 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; 35-288-SL; 35-350; 35-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 1991 |
100 - 9.75 - 110 | Two 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 35-288; 30-288; 30-225; 26-225; 26-172; 22-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 1313 |
100 - 9.75 - 120 | 42-288-SL; two 35-288-SL's; 35-350; 35-288; 30-288; 30-225; 26-225; 22-172; 18-172; 14-131 | 1661 |
104 - 4.1 - 100 | 35-288-SL; 35-350-L; 35-288; 30-288; 26-288; 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100; 11-100 | 1780 |
104 - 25 - 100 | Three 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 30-350-L; 26-288-L; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 1702 |
104 - 25 - 110 | 42-288-SL; three 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 35-288-L; 30-225; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 1787 |
104 - 27.5 - 130 | 48-350-SL; 42-350-SL; 42-288-SL; 35-288-SL; 35-350; 35-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 1927 |
108 - 11.6 - 150 | 54-350-SL; 54-288-SL; 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; 35-288-SL; 35-350; 35-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 2704 |
112 - 25.5 - 100 | 42-288-SL; three 35-288-SL's; 35-350; 30-350-L; 26-288-L; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 2017 |
112 - 15.5 - 130 | Two 42-350-SL's; 42-288-SL; two 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 30-288; 26-288; 22-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 2538 |
112 - 20.5 - 120 | Two 42-350-SL's; 42-288-SL; two 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 30-288; 26-288; 22-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 2538 |
116 - 3.7 - 100 | Two 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 35-288; .30-288; 26-288; 26-225; 22-225; 22-172; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100; 11-100 | 2133 |
116 - 23.5 - 100 | 42-288-SL; three 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 30-350-L; 26-288-L; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 2079 |
116 - 24 - 110 | 54-288-SL; 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; two 35-288-SL's; 35-350-L; 35-288-L; 30-225; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 2237 |
116 - 15.5 - 120 | 48-350-SL; 48-288-SL; two 42-288-SL's; 35-288-SL; 35-350; 35-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 14-131 | 2530 |
116 - 4 - 150 | 54-350-SL; 54-288-SL; 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; 35-288-SL; 35-350; 35-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-172; 18-172; 14-131 | 2685 |
120 - 15.5 - 100 | Three 42-288-SL's; 42-350-L; 35-350; 35-288; 30-288-L; 26-288; 22-225-L; 22-172; 18-172; 14-131 | 1894 |
124 - 24.5 - 100 | 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; three 35-288-SL's; 35-350; 30-350-L; 26-288-L; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 2405 |
128 - 4 - 130 | Two 54-288-SL's; 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; 35-288-SL; 35-350; 35-288; 30-288; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131; 14-100 | 2459 |
132 - 25 - 110 | Two 54-350-SL's; 54-288-SL; 48-288-SL; two 35-288-SL's; 30-350; 30-288; 26-288; 26-225; 22-172; 18-172 | 3412 |
136 - 22.75 - 100 | 48-350-SL; 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; three 35-288-SL's; 35-350; 30-350-L; 26-288-L; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 2930 |
136 - 24 - 100 | Two 54-350-SL's; 54-288-SL; 48-288-SL; two 35-288-SL's; 30-288-SL; 30-350-L; 30-288; 30-225; 26-225; 22-172; 18-131 | 2828 |
140 - 19.75 - 100 | 48-350-SL; 48-288-SL; 42-288-SL; three 35-288-SL's; 30-288-SL; 30-350; 26-288; 26-225; 22-225; 18-172; 18-131 | 2988 |
* Consult with your local building department to confirm exact local wind velocity maximums.
Free-Standing, Stacked and Tapered Towers -- from small Roof-top units to heavy duty Hurricane models!
Using our standard aluminum tower sections, many tower configurations of various heights and wind-loads may be created. The table below lists some of them. Our towers are manufactured for Commercial, Consumer, Government and Industrial use!
Heights Towers can be mounted on Fold Over Kits just as easily as they can be set on regular 'Hinge Bases'!
KEY Benefits
Super Strong
Corrosion Resistant
Nice Looking
NO Guy Wires
Yes, we have Antenna Stand-offs and most accessories that you might need.
* Above configurations include a Straight Section ("AC") for the Top Section, to change it to a Top Section w/ Collar see the Tower Section page for price differences. To select Top Shelf, Thrust Bearing, and Mast Accessories for a tower, see the Accessories page.
Abreviations "L" denote a Long 12 ft. section, and "SL" denotes a Solid Leg Long 12 ft. section.
Unless otherwise noted, all of the above configurations are rated at a wind-'Exposure-C' rating. See our Engineering Specification page (or Building code manuals) for detailed explanation on the definitions of wind Exposure classifications.
'Hurricane' towers, as shown above, are now available!